Trapped in the midst of a reflexive holographic error we freeze
Parsing what's between us completely off by refracted degrees
Glimpsing with a cough exactly what the other side sees
Chalking it off as nothing more than our enemy's disease
Suffering under the added weight of a conflation of information
Blame flies like iron filings to their preconceived destination
Keep pointing your fingers at each other during this conflagration
Bend over and conduct each other's proctological examination
Chalk xenophobia off as yet another symptom of paranoia
Along with ignorance and a host of other maladies for ya
Each of which has lent its share of momentum to the foyer
Setting off the perfect storm to immolate old growth sequoias
Let this lesson remain clear in focus right before your eyes
Withhold judgment instead of adding to the climate of lies
Suspend your disbelief before another swath of people dies
Consider humanity with your heart in order to grow wise
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