Saturday, October 21, 2017

Last Contact

Your commonplace, orderly, natural, regular, standard, customary, general, conventional person has been said to not exist before, in the sense that there's no such thing as average, really, when you consider each individual to be their own unique set of specifications.

This is the danger of allowing a branch of mathematics, in this case statistical thinking, to get in the way of a clear line of sight. Instead, the normal person exists, and a sober assessement of such a creature will certainly yield terrifying results. For it's the very ordinary person indeed who's ill nature has more in common with the baseness of all more than anything. Such a specimen facilitates the function of fate.

Here stands our monster revealed in all the red, raw ruin the painful mastery of honesty bestows. From the lip of this constantly slipping into abyss, we race, each one of us, who seem to stay at least  one step ahead of normal. But there mustn't remain much rest for us. Their typical pace will lead them to eventually catch up to where we're at. For you see, we must keep on running to stay as many paces ahead as we can from that which remains base in this world.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Inequality For All

Remember the old adage--there's no such thing as normal--right? This insidious bit of disinfo tries to slip it in to our minds that normal is some sort of strict technical imaginary state, implying each one of us a snoflake already when really, what a load of vile crap when you come right down to it. Sure, we're all the same after a fashion, so what. Normalcy has always been the problem since day one, and those not prepared to deal with that, good luck in the oncoming storm.   

Monday, September 18, 2017

View point changes

A lot of what you bring to the table a lot of writers like to say well I like to say the more you bring, the better. It's how you decide to ultimately channel that density of dream, you understand. There's no such thing as too much baggage on a flight of fancy, know what I mean. Your viewpoint changes as you get older, but that's not the point. It changes as you cross from one person to another. The more one strives to learn the viewpoints of others, the better may he come to understand himself. When you see the universe through another's eyes, you come to understanding itself.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Dream To Have

What we write now 
    remains in stasis 
unless elementary forces 
beyond  our control 
 or ability to understand 
stagger about to dominate  

On a stage so tremendous 
we are just now beginning 
to  perceive our role 
in this ongoing sector 
of the developing universe

One of the reasons for this dream 
to have been provoked in the first place 
has been to better our observations
of the potential nature of this world

Time, when surveyed as all we get 
becomes more tangible as we witness it 
slipping through our fingers every year

The dream we are going to have 
will feel like an electric day 
in the late fall of our youth

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


  How often have we suffered the consequences of memory loss? 
Who on Earth knows...if anyone ever did? 
Herein lies the catch unlocked by the key 
of awareness that allows the ultimate inference. 

This is why we forget: it's a bandage to cover
the sight of the open wound we gashed in space.

It's necessary just in case
the course might be counter
corrected across the entire span of time.