Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fractal Self Reflection

Trapped in the midst of a reflexive holographic error we freeze

Parsing what's between us completely off by refracted degrees

Glimpsing with a cough exactly what the other side sees
Chalking it off as nothing more than our enemy's disease 

Suffering under the added weight of a conflation of information 
Blame flies like iron filings to their preconceived destination 
Keep pointing your fingers at each other during this conflagration 
Bend over and conduct each other's proctological examination 

Chalk xenophobia off as yet another symptom of paranoia 
Along with ignorance and a host of other maladies for ya 
Each of which has lent its share of momentum to the foyer 
Setting off the perfect storm to immolate old growth sequoias 

Let this lesson remain clear in focus right before your eyes 
Withhold judgment instead of adding to the climate of lies
Suspend your disbelief before another swath of people dies
Consider humanity with your heart in order to grow wise 

Friday, October 21, 2022

I Am Lucky a Synapse


I am lucky a synapse didn't publish a tree.
 I mean there's a degree of certain 
luck to it. The thought emerged
 from the forest. The razed fields burnt and 
plundered over again. Tilling the earth of blank pages 
 to fertilize what ground could be found 
luckily a synapse formed into being 
  into a certain cohesion and took shape
 I am lucky the synapse didn't publish a time.
Another brane of existence to wrap around mind.
  What are the chances of not forming from there
 I'm lucky a synapse didn't publish a bear. 
   There's a certain degree of luck to it. 
   The waters boiled into steam and blown
  Away by the wind, how lucky a synapse 
Didn't publish someone else, like a friend
  How would I have come to fit in 
 There's not a chance I'm the one 
 Invited to the dance I am lucky a synapse
didn't produce the faculty to avoid me.
I am lucky a synapse didn't publish a tree.