by shaun lawton
Picture this and how difficult it is getting wizened
to try and convince them of the way that it is and why
Of course you can after being put here by plan
not just to refute the word of god but that of man
As independent thinkers we try to prove the word
to non-believers on their own terms that it isn't absurd
In order to achieve this it's really kind of mysterious
It was made necessary for us to not be so delirious
To remain in possession of our very own minds
I'm not a Parrot in the Pulpit I think you will find
Only in this manner may it truly be convincing and
It's a small price to pay to be thought of as a Judas
For I am the Trick Joker and I'll be out smoking them
From their own caves I ain't joking I'll draw them up
For I am the Trick Joker and I'll be out smoking them
From their own caves I ain't joking I'll draw them up
I am his son just like every other last one of you
Only I believe it because I'm not making this up
It's true I first learned it on the way to the water's edge
Swore I heard the River laughing at me in my Cage
I'm the post-hypnotic Magi the self-corrective mirror
A quintessential Tragedy in laughter disappearing
To the White Eye missing I am the Black Button
Push me once again and we'll see who's hunting
There will be your proof when I am gone and all
But for the one simple thing it's Nothing but a Fall
I got the gnostic agnostic rap a-goin' and a-flowing
In the upper stratosphere like a luxury Boeing
Good knowin' ya as we breathe in the same minted friend
and breathe out our exhalations to mix in with the wind
Lucky for us this whale's got fins it swallowed us whole
and we'll be spat out again cuz we're all Jonas in the end
We're all Jesus we're all Judas the great Hermaphrodite
sees right through us all the less mighty once divided
Upon an uncoiling time in a revolutionary whiplash
spun out of control to ride the crest of a wave crash
You can't resist my pathogenic attack it's doxological
It deals with ontology both micro- and macrobiotic
Don't look at me like I'm awful or idiotic you started in with
either this or that binary logic with a pretty narrow slit
To be seeing through if you don't mind my saying so
and if you do never mind pardon it's all good I would too
We're just at opposite ends of the double-slit experiment
It's true I first learned it on the way to the water's edge
Swore I heard the River laughing at me in my Cage
I'm the post-hypnotic Magi the self-corrective mirror
A quintessential Tragedy in laughter disappearing
To the White Eye missing I am the Black Button
Push me once again and we'll see who's hunting
There will be your proof when I am gone and all
But for the one simple thing it's Nothing but a Fall
I got the gnostic agnostic rap a-goin' and a-flowing
In the upper stratosphere like a luxury Boeing
Good knowin' ya as we breathe in the same minted friend
and breathe out our exhalations to mix in with the wind
Lucky for us this whale's got fins it swallowed us whole
and we'll be spat out again cuz we're all Jonas in the end
We're all Jesus we're all Judas the great Hermaphrodite
sees right through us all the less mighty once divided
Upon an uncoiling time in a revolutionary whiplash
spun out of control to ride the crest of a wave crash
You can't resist my pathogenic attack it's doxological
It deals with ontology both micro- and macrobiotic
Don't look at me like I'm awful or idiotic you started in with
either this or that binary logic with a pretty narrow slit
To be seeing through if you don't mind my saying so
and if you do never mind pardon it's all good I would too
We're just at opposite ends of the double-slit experiment
fractured and infiltrated on a dead wing suffering detriment
To be cont. on another day when inspiration's resurrected
To be cont. on another day when inspiration's resurrected
and I don't forget to run out of things to say when misdirected